The U.S. Navy is interested in this Miami company's 3D-printed seawalls

Kind designs receives a $175,000 grant from the U.S. Navy for seawall research. The company uses 3D printing to create eco-friendly, long-lasting seawalls.

Kind designs has secured contracts with Florida cities and homeowners. Businesses, private residents, and more than one Florida city are using kind designs’ 3D-printed seawalls to protect coastlines from rising sea levels.

Now, the U.S. Navy is interested. The Miami company was awarded a Phase I grant from the Naval Sea Systems Command (NASEA) for research.

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Reinventing the South Florida seawall to help marine life, buffer rising seas


Using 3D-Printing technology for seawalls that mimic coral reefs and mangroves, hosting biodiversity and improving the quality of water.